1. Introduction (Nico Nieboer, Vincent Gruis, Sasha Tsenkova and Anke van Hal) 2. Sweden: integrated strategies to overcome market barriers (Paula Femenías and Anna-Lisa Lindén) 3. Denmark: Climate Partnerships in Social Housing (Lars A. Engberg) 4. Germany: sustainability versus economic feasibility (André Scharmanski and Nadine Walter) 5. The Netherlands: unsettled times for energy efficiency (Anke van Hal, Nico Nieboer and Birgit Dulski) 6. England: lessons from delivering Decent Homes and affordable warmth (Jack Hulme) 7. France: the influence of regulation and public subsidies (Frédéric Bougrain) 8. Switzerland: Non-profit housing sector - a leader in energy efficiency initiatives (Lee Ann Nicol, Margrit Hugentobler and Joris van Wezemael) 9. Austria: social housing providers at the forefront of energy efficiency (Wolfgang Amann, Alexis Mundt and Walter Hüttler) 10. Czech Republic: Energy Efficiency Increasing in a Housing Stock (Jirí Karásek and Eliška Ubralová) 11. Slovenia: do energy efficiency policies influence the quality of housing? (Andreja Cirman, Srna Mandic and Metka Sitar) 12. Canada: Energy Efficiency Retrofits - Policy Solutions for Sustainable Social Housing (Sasha Tsenkova and Karim Youssef) 13. Conclusions (Nico Nieboer, Vincent Gruis, Anke van Hal and Sasha Tsenkova)