List of contributors
1. Introduction
Part I. Theory:
2. Theoretical background: steady flow Luigia Brandimarte
3. Theoretical background: unsteady flow Ioana Popescu
Part II. Methods:
4. Data sources
5. Model building
6. Model evaluation
7. Model outputs
Part III. Applications:
8. Urban flood modelling Jeffrey C. Neal, Paul D. Bates and Timothy J. Fewtrell
9. Changes in flood propagation caused by human activities
10. Changes of stage-discharge rating curves
11. Evaluation of floodplain management strategies
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AuthorGiuliano Di Baldassarre, UNESCO Institute for Water Education
Giuliano Di Baldassarre is a Senior Lecturer at the UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education in Delft, The Netherlands, and also works as the coordinator of the EC FP7 KULTURisk project, which aims at prevention of water-related disasters through evaluation of different risk prevention measures. His teaching and research interests include: floodplain processes and inundation modelling, hydroinformatics and remote sensing data, statistical hydrology and flood management under uncertainty. Dr Di Baldassarre serves as an editor of Hydrology and Earth System Sciences and guest editor of Physics and Chemistry of the Earth and Hydrological Processes and is also the author of more than 30 peer-reviewed journal articles and more than 60 other publications including invited book chapters and conference proceedings. His scientific papers have received more than 200 citations and his achievements have been recognized by a number of prizes, including the Outstanding Young Scientist Award from the European Geosciences Union.
ContributorsGiuliano Di Baldassarre, Luigia Brandimarte, Ioana Popescu, Jeffrey C. Neal, Paul D. Bates, Timothy J. Fewtrell
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