1. Historical introduction
2. Particle states in a central potential
3. General principles of quantum mechanics
4. Spin
5. Approximations for energy eigenstates
6. Approximations for time-dependent problems
7. Potential scattering
8. General scattering theory
9. The canonical formalism
10. Charged particles in electromagnetic fields
11. The quantum theory of radiation
12. Entanglement
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AuthorSteven Weinberg, University of Texas, Austin
Steven Weinberg is a member of the Physics and Astronomy Departments at the University of Texas, Austin. His research has covered a broad range of topics in quantum field theory, elementary particle physics and cosmology and has been honored with numerous awards, including the Nobel Prize in Physics, the National Medal of Science and the Heinemann Prize in Mathematical Physics. He is a member of the US National Academy of Sciences, Britain’s Royal Society and other academies in the US and abroad. The American Philosophical Society awarded him the Benjamin Franklin medal, with a citation that said he is ’considered by many to be the preeminent theoretical physicist alive in the world today’. His books for physicists include Gravitation and Cosmology, the three-volume work The Quantum Theory of Fields, and most recently, Cosmology. Educated at Cornell University, the University of Copenhagen and Princeton University, he also holds honorary degrees from sixteen other universities. He taught at Columbia University, the University of California, Berkeley, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University – where he was Higgins Professor of Physics – before moving to Texas in 1982.
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