Section 1: Marine Macroalgae and Seagrasses as Sources of Biodiversity
The role of chemically defended seaweeds as biodiversity source; Renato C. Pereira, Bernardo A. Perez da Gama
Microbial assemblages associated with macrophytes; Franz Goecke, Johannes F. Imhoff
Epibiont associated with Marine Macrophyte Assemblages; Carol S. Thornber, Emily Jones, Mads S. Thomsen
Free-living invertebrate assemblages associated with macrophytes; Emil Ólafsson, Hilmar Hinz
The role of floating plants in dispersal of biota across habitats and ecosystems; Martin Thiel, Ceridwen Fraser
The role of drift plants; Lara Arroyo, Erik Bonsdorff
Section 2: Production of Macrophytes
Primary production; Ken Dunton, Michael H. Graham
Secondary production; Hartvig Chistie, Kjell M. Norderhaug
Section 3: Human Threats to Macrophytic Ecosystem Engineers
Eutrophication and the challenge of changing biotic interactions; Eva Rothäusler, Veijo Jormalainen
Physical threats to macrophytes as ecosystem engineers; Diana I. Walker, A Bellgrove
Ecological interactions between marine plant and alien species; Mads S. Thomsen, Thomas Wernberg, Peter A. Staehr, David Schiel
Effects of climate change on macrophytes; Th