Read Me First
Tutorial: Estimate a Tree
Acquiring the Sequences
Aligning the Sequences
Major Methods for Estimating Phylogenetic Trees
Neighbor-Joining Trees
Drawing Phylogenetic Trees
Maximum Likelihood
Bayesian Inference of Trees with MrBayes
Working with Various Computer Platforms
Advanced Alignment with GUIDANCE
Reconstructing Ancestral Sequences
Detecting Adaptive Evolution
Phylogenetic Networks
Learn to Program
Appendix I. File Formats and Their Interconversion
Appendix II. Additional Programs
Appendix III. Frequently Asked Questions
BARRY G. HALL is Director of the Bellingham Research Institute, Adjunct Professor of Genomics and Bioinformatics at the Allegheny-Singer Research Institute’s Center for Genomic Sciences, and Professor Emeritus of Biology, University of Rochester, USA. He was a founding member of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution and has been Editor-in-Chief of the journal Molecular Biology and Evolution, and on the Editorial Boards of Genetica, the Journal of Molecular Evolution, and the Journal of Bacteriology.
Reflecting new software updates, and with more advanced topics, the Fourth Edition helps the student create phylogenetic trees from protein or nucleic acid sequence data. The reader is taken step-by-step from identifying the sequences required, to drawing the tree for presentation to an intended audience.
Read Me First
Tutorial: Estimate a Tree
Acquiring the Sequences
Aligning the Sequences
Major Methods for Estimating Phylogenetic Trees
Neighbor-Joining Trees
Drawing Phylogenetic Trees
Maximum Likelihood
Bayesian Inference of Trees with MrBayes
Working with Various Computer Platforms
Advanced Alignment with GUIDANCE
Reconstructing Ancestral Sequences
Detecting Adaptive Evolution
Phylogenetic Networks
Learn to Program
Appendix I. File Formats and Their Interconversion
Appendix II. Additional Programs
Appendix III. Frequently Asked Questions
BARRY G. HALL is Director of the Bellingham Research Institute, Adjunct Professor of Genomics and Bioinformatics at the Allegheny-Singer Research Institute’s Center for Genomic Sciences, and Professor Emeritus of Biology, University of Rochester, USA. He was a founding member of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution and has been Editor-in-Chief of the journal Molecular Biology and Evolution, and on the Editorial Boards of Genetica, the Journal of Molecular Evolution, and the Journal of Bacteriology.
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