Introduction to the plankton of inland waters, G. E. Likens
Protists, Bacteria and Fungi: Planktonic and Attached
Archaea, E.O. Casamayor, C.M. Borrego
Bacteria, Attached to Surfaces, J.-F. Carrias, T. Sime-Ngando
Bacteria, Bacterioplankton, R.D. Robarts, G.M. Carr
Bacteria, Distribution and Community Structure, A.C. Yannarell, A.D. Kent
Fungi, Pages 233-243, V. Gulis, K.A. Kuehn, K. Suberkropp
Protists, R.W. Sanders
Sulfur Bacteria, A. Camacho
Viruses, P. Peduzzi, B. Luef
Algae (Including Cyanobacteria): Planktonic and Attached
Algae, L. Krienitz
The Phycogeography of Freshwater Algae, J. Padisák
Algae of River Ecosystems, R.J. Stevenson
Chrysophytes - Golden Algae, J. Kristiansen
Cyanoprokaryota and Other Prokaryotic Algae, A. Sukenik, T. Zohary, J. Padisák
Cyanobacteria, W.F. Vincent
Diatoms, S. Sabater
Green Algae, L. Naselli-Flores, R. Barone
Other Phytoflagellates and Groups of Lesser Importance, N. Salmaso, M. Tolotti
Photosynthetic Periphyton and Surfaces, M.E. Azim
Rotifera, R.L. Wallace, H.A. Smith
Cladocera, J.E. Havel
Copepoda, C.E. Williamson, J.W. Reid Fox
Other Zooplankton, L.G. Rudstam
Cyclomorphosis and Phenotypic Changes, Pages 643-650, C. Laforsch, R. Tollrian
Diel Vertical Migration, Pages 651-658, L.D. Meester
Egg Banks, Pages 659-666, N.G. Hairston Jr., J.A.
Competition and Predation, Z.M. Gliwicz
Ecosystem Interactions:
Phytoplankton Nutrition and Related Mixotrophy, J.A. Raven, S.C. Maberly
Chemosynthesis, A. Enrich-Prast, D. Bastviken, P. Crill
Phytoplankton Population Dynamics: Concepts and Performance Measurement, Reynolds
Phytoplankton Population Dynamics in Natural Environments, C.S. Reynolds
Phytoplankton Productivity, M.T. Dokulil, C. Kaiblinger
Comparative Primary Production, M.T. Dokulil
Eutrophication of Lakes and Reservoirs, V. Istvánovics
Role of Zooplankton in Aquatic Ecosystems, R.W.
Microbial Food Webs, J. Pernthaler, T. Posch
Trophic Dynamics in Aquatic Ecosystems, U. Gaedke
Harmful Algal Blooms, Pages 264-285, J.M. Burkholder