Used by more than one million students at colleges throughout the country, Whitney and Rolfes’ UNDERSTANDING NUTRITION is THE best-selling introductory nutrition text on the market today! While maintaining the stellar quality and support that discerning instructors demand for the majors course, the new Eleventh Edition adds innovative features, new research findings, emerging issues in nutrition, and new supplements that support course objectives and future career opportunities. From its stunningly restyled and refined art program to its strong science base, contemporary coverage, and market-leading resources, including the new CengageNOW online study/course management tool and Thomson Audio Study Products that accompany this text, the Eleventh Edition of UNDERSTANDING NUTRITION connects with its readers and continues to set the standards for texts in this market. Whitney and Rolfes include 20 chapters, beginning with core nutrition topics, such as diet planning, macronutrients, vitamins and minerals, and following with chapters on diet and health, fitness, life span nutrition, food safety, and world hunger. Praised for its consistent level and readability, careful explanations of all key topics (including energy metabolism and other complex processes), this is a book that CONNECTS with students-engaging them as it teaches them the basic concepts and applications of nutrition.
New to this edition
Unlike what you have ever seen before! CengageNOW, the ultimate online learning tool for students AND course management tool for you, is now available with the click of a mouse! Prompts in every chapter of Whitney and Rolfes’’ text remind students to go online for CengageNOW diagnostic pre-tests, personalized study plans, animations, case studies, iAudio chapter summary downloads, and a section linked to Diet Analysis+. For you, there’’s automatic grading and so much more! Easy to assign and track, this resource will save time for both instructors and students, better supporting course goals and learning objectives.
The design and structure of the chapters support the need for the text to provide the appropriate level of science and show students the connection of the material to their own lives. From the improved Metabolism coverage in Chapter 7 to the crafted figures with call-outs and the updated examples, the text continues to support the needs for the course.
Updated information throughout every chapter keeps your course and your students on top of the field’’s latest developments. The Eleventh Edition includes new statistics on national dietary trends, expanded coverage of healthy GI bacteria, research updates on probiotics, updated material on transfats, expanded coverage of amino acid supplements, protein powders, and updated coverage of fad diets and obesity, as well as revised text, figures, and tables to reflect the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the USDA Food and Guide, and MyPyramid.
New "Nutrition Portfolio" questions at the end of every chapter invite students to evaluate and compare their personal dietary choices with dietary goals introduced in the text, exploring how their knowledge and behaviors have changed as their understanding of nutrition science progresses. Especially valuable for dietetics majors, the "Nutrition Portfolios" help these students demonstrate their competency in self-assessment (an American Dietetic Association competency requiring that students prepare a portfolio of professional development activities). The "Nutrition Portfolio" is also linked to the CengageNOW online tool so that students can work on their "Portfolios" interactively.
New "Dietary Guidelines for Americans" boxes integrated throughout help students review and retain important points and recommendations as they relate to key chapter material.
"Highlights" follow each chapter and present detailed and focused information on hot topics in the field, including alcohol and nutrition, eating disorders, and vegetarian diets. These sections can support course lectures and are designed to fascinate students with in-depth discussions of new research, ongoing research, and controversial issues related to the chapter material. A new "Highlight" on "Nutritional Genomics" is included in Chapter 6.
The enhanced and updated Diet Analysis+ 8.0 is a must have for any course where diet assessment projects are assigned. More user-friendly than ever, the new Version 8.0 with its database of over 22,000 foods, unique built-in tutorial, and dynamic interface makes it easy for students to track and assess the nutritional value of the foods they eat-including the types and serving sizes of the foods consumed from one day to 365 days. For more information about Diet Analysis+ and packaging options, visit us online at or contact your local Cengage Learning representative.
"Nutrition on the Net" sections at the end of each "Highlight" provide students with current Web addresses where they can go for additional information and to access the InfoTrac College Edition online database of articles from thousands of popular magazines and nutrition journals (packaged with each new copy of the text).
"Nutrition in Your Life" chapter openers introduce (and engage!) students in chapter material by connection what they will be learning with how it applies to THEIR lives. They are revisited at the end of each chapter in the "Nutrition Portfolio" sections.
Reviewer-praised Chapter 7, "Metabolism: Transformations and Interactions," offers a clear, in-depth, and accurate presentation of this important material, featuring student-friendly use of familiar phrases and attractive art while retaining the level of science that is expected for this course.
Nutrition Calculations" help students practice important nutrition quantitative problems.
"How To" boxes provide examples of calculations and skills used in real world situations.
Media Menus," "In Summary" paragraphs, "Nutrition Calculations," "Multiple-Choice and Study Questions," and other in-text resources are designed to help students navigate through every chapter-and RETAIN what they read.
The Dallas TeleLearning "Nutrition Pathways Telecourse Guide" can be sold separately or packaged with the text for an added discount. For more information about the course and available resources, visit