Now in its fifth edition, INFORMATION SYSTEMS ESSENTIALS, International Edition to offer a concise overview of information systems fundamentals in a short, nine-chapter format. Students will be presented with the core IS principles, offered an overview of the IS discipline, and will learn the changing role of the IS professional. By achieving these goals, INFORMATION SYSTEMS ESSENTIALS, 5e, International Edition will enable students, regardless of their major, to understand and use fundamental IS principles so that they can function more efficiently and effectively as workers, managers, decision makers, and organizational leaders.
Each chapter has been completely updated with the latest topics and examples. Chapters have more than 50 new references; contain all new opening vignettes, Information Systems @ Work, and Ethical and Societal Issues special interest boxes; and contain examples of actual individuals and organizations using IS to their benefit.
Fully updated chapter-opening vignettes, special interest boxes, business examples, and cases are dispersed throughout the text.
"Information Systems at Work" features provide real-world examples of current topics and trends in today’’s headlines and are partnered with discussion questions and critical thinking questions to engage students and encourage class discussions.
"Social and Ethical Issues" questions incorporated in end-of-chapter exercises provide thought-provoking discussions relating to information systems.
Includes a password-protected student online companion (, which reinforces concepts and offers further opportunities for activities, suggested readings, videos, and interactive learning.