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Principles of Organizational Behavior de Slocum, John, 9780538743341, FILOSOFÍA | CIENCIAS SOCIALES, psicología | management, Cengage Learning, Inglés

Principles of Organizational Behavior

Slocum, John


TématicaFilosofía, Ciencias sociales

SubtématicaPsicología, Management

EditorialCengage Learning


   Año de publicación2010   Edición13

Equip your students with the skills to become effective, high performance managers in today’s business world as you provide a solid foundation in organizational behavior with this unique competency-based approach. Slocum/Hellriegel’s PRINCIPLES OF ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR, 13E, International Edition has distilled the expertise of hundreds of leading managers from a variety of industries into seven core managerial competencies most important for professional and organizational success. Students have opportunities to assess and maximize their personal skills within the context of today’s organizational behavior as they master competencies in managing self, ethics, communication, diversity, across cultures, teams, and change.
The authors apply their decades of experience in teaching, research, and OB consulting to establish a clear connection between organizational behavior theory and contemporary practice. This edition combines classic theory with contemporary research, emerging trends, and the most recent developments impacting business today. Text and video cases from organizations familiar to students and interactive exercises clearly demonstrate how effective leaders use the key competencies to lead more successfully. Give your students the foundation they need to become highly effective managers and successful leaders within the organizations of tomorrow.


EQUIP STUDENTS TO BECOME HIGH PERFORMANCE MANAGERS WITH THIS UNIQUE COMPETENCY APPROACH. Your students will find content personally relevant and meaningful with this book’’s one-of-a-kind emphasis. Students learn to master the seven core managerial competencies most important for becoming an effective business leader. More than 30 individual, team, and organizational assessments guide them in improving their effectiveness in today’’s competitive market. Students can re-assess personal strengths and compare their progress to professionals as they progress through the course.
STRENGTHEN CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS AND ENSURE STUDENT UNDERSTANDING WITH INTERACTIVE END-OF-CHAPTER ACTIVITIES. An emphasis on applications and active learning throughout proven end-of-chapter activities helps students retain and better understand chapter concepts. Meaningful assessment questionnaires, critical thinking cases, and experiential exercises filled with examples from today’’s leading organizations help students examine topics more closely and relate what they’’ve learned to core managerial competencies.
PROVIDE A SOLID OVERVIEW OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT TODAY WITH INTEGRATED CASES. Engaging Integrating Cases at the end-of-text draw from a variety of concepts and competencies throughout the book, requiring students to apply what they’’ve learned to realistic situations. Students improve critical and analytical thinking skills as they gain a realistic understanding of how to apply the seven core competencies to challenges in business today.
ENCOURAGE ENTHUSIASM FOR LEARNING WITH THIS EDITION’’S ENGAGING, DYNAMIC VISUALS. Clarify concepts for students with this edition’’s inviting, action-driven presentation full of proven learning aids. Students more easily understand and retain principles with this edition’’s updated, colorful, engaging photos, figures, and tables.

Part I. Introduction and Ethical Foundations.
Chapter 1. Organizational Behavior and Key Competencies.
Chapter 2. Ethical Foundations in Organizational Behavior.
Part II. The Individual in Organizations.
Chapter 3. Understanding Individual Differences.
Chapter 4. Perceptions and Attributions.
Chapter 5. Applying Learning Concepts to Improve Performance.
Chapter 6. Motivating Employees.
Chapter 7. Motivation through Goal-Setting and Reward Programs.
Chapter 8. Workplace Stress and Aggression.
Part III. Leadership and Team Behaviors.
Chapter 9. Fostering Interpersonal Communication in Organizations.
Chapter 10. Leading Effectively: Foundations.
Chapter 11. Leading Effectively: New Perspectives.
Chapter 12. Developing and Leading Teams.
Chapter 13. Managing Conflict and Negotiating Effectively.
Part IV. The Organization.
Chapter 14. Making Managerial Decisions.
Chapter 15. Designing Organizations.
Chapter 16. Cultivating Organizational Culture.
Chapter 17. Guiding Organizational Change.

EXPLORE THE IMPORTANCE OF ETHICS TODAY WITH A NEW CHAPTER AND EXPANDED COVERAGE. Now you can introduce the growing importance of ethics in business today with a new Chapter 2 that highlights ethical concepts and concerns crucial to all employees and organizational leaders. Nine new Ethical Competency features introduce students to a variety of challenging ethical situations in well-known organizations. Ethics-driven, end-of-chapter exercises and cases require students to determine and act upon ethical decisions.ENGAGE STUDENTS AND ENCOURAGE DISCUSSION WITH FRESH NEW CASES AND MEMORABLE REAL EXAMPLES. Fifteen "Learning From Experience" Chapter-Opening Cases highlight challenges facing employees and leaders in familiar organizations. Many end-of-chapter Critical Thinking Cases and Experiential Exercises offer fresh perspectives on incidents within a variety of organizations.PRESENT THE MOST CURRENT THINKING AND CONTEMPORARY THEORY WITH THE LATEST EXAMPLES AND TRENDS. All chapter content — including research citations, references, and figures — reflects the latest perspectives with accuracy you can trust. Updated materials exemplify the most recent OB thinking and contemporary theory. You can easily present current developments and their affects on employees and leaders around the globe, from the impact of Twitter and Facebook to the failure of General Motors and the rise of developing nations, such as India.INVOLVE STUDENTS IN ACTIVE LEARNING WITH THE LATEST APPLIED THEORY FEATURES. Virtually all-new "Competency Boxes" within each chapter of this edition showcase how real organizations use OB theory today. New "Insights" illustrate how significant business leaders use OB theory while actual memorable examples exemplify effective management at work.MAKE CONCEPTS MEMORABLE WITH BIZFLIX POPULAR HOLLYWOOD FILM CLIPS. Captivating, brief clips from some of Hollywood’’s most popular movies, such as In Good Company and Friday Night Lights, with accompanying video cases illustrate OB concepts from the text in action. Corresponding questions provide opportunities for critical analysis and discussion. Fourteen of the seventeen BizFlix videos are new in this edition.
"I like the way concepts are carried through one chapter to others. Example: Competencies are carried into discussions in later chapters."— MaryRose L. Hart, Rogers State University
MaryRose L. Hart

"The Learning Content with Competency listings is great!"— Consuelo M. Ramirez, University of Texas, San Antonio
Consuelo M. Ramirez

John W. Slocum Jr.
John W. Slocum, Jr. is an Emeritus Professor in the Cox School of Business at Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas. He has taught at the University of Washington, Penn State, Ohio State, International University of Japan, and the Amos Tuck School of Dartmouth College. Dr. Slocum has been awarded the Alumni Citation for Professional Accomplishment by Westminster College and the Nicolas Salgo, Rotunda, and Executive MBA Outstanding Teaching Awards at SMU. He holds a B.B.A. from Westminster College, a M.B.A. from Kent State, and a Ph.D. in organizational behavior from the University of Washington. He is Past President of the Eastern Academy of Management, the 39th President of the Academy of Management and Editor of the Academy of Management Journal. He is a Fellow of the Academy of Management, Decision Science Institute, and the Pan-Pacific Institute. He serves as co-editor of the Journal of World Business and the Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies and Associate Editor of Organizational Dynamics. Dr. Slocum has consulted for organizations including ARAMARK, Baylor Hospital, University of North Texas Health Science Center, LBJ School at the University of Texas, Celanese Chemical Corporation, Pier 1, NASA, and Brakke Consulting. He is a regular speaker for many senior executive development programs, including the University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma State University, SMU, and Lockheed Martin. He is currently on the Board of Directors of ViewCast Corporation, Kisco Senior Living, and GoToLearn.

Don Hellriegel
Don Hellriegel is Emeritus Professor of Management in the Mays Business School at Texas A&M University. Dr. Hellriegel joined the faculty at Texas A&M in 1975. He has also taught at the Pennsylvania State University and the University of Colorado. He received his B.S. and M.B.A. from Kent State University and his Ph.D. from the University of Washington. His research interests include organizational behavior, the effects of organizational environments, managerial cognitive styles, and organizational innovation and strategic management processes. His research has been published in a number of leading journals. Dr. Hellriegel served as Vice President and Program Chair of the Academy of Management, President Elect, President, and Past President. He has also served a three-year term as Dean of the Fellows Group of the Academy of Management. He has also been Editor of the Academy of Management Review and served on the Board of Governors of the Academy of Management. Dr. Hellriegel has performed many other leadership roles, including President, Eastern Academy of Management; Division Chair, Organization and Management Theory Division; President, Brazos County United Way; Co-Consulting Editor, West Series in Management, Head, Department of Management (TAMU); Interim Dean, Executive Associate Dean, Mays School of Business (TAMU); and Interim Executive Vice Chancellor (TAMUS). Dr. Hellriegel has consulted with a variety of groups and organizations, including 3DI, Sun Ship Building, Penn Mutual Life Insurance, Texas A&M University System, Ministry of Industry and Commerce for the nation of Kuwait, Ministry of Agriculture for the Dominican Republic, AACSB, and Texas Innovation Group.

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