1. Rebirth of the Sacred: Science, Religion and the New Environmental Ethos
2. The New Story of Humanity: Brains, Minds, and the Environmental Crisis
3. The New Story in Physics: Mind, Matter, and the Non-local Universe
4. The New Story in Biology: Parts and Wholes in the Web of Life
5. The Old Story: Sovereign Nation States and Myths of National Identity
6. The Old Story: Metaphysics, Newtonian Physics, and Classical Economics
7. The Old Story: Metaphysics, Nineteenth Century Physics, and Neoclassical Economics
8. The Old Story: Economic Globalization, the Market Consensus, and the New State Religion
9. The Dream of this Place with Us: Science, Religion, and the Environmental Crisis
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Robert Nadeau is an intensely interdisciplinary scholar who has attempted throughout his career to bridge the gap between what British physicist and novelist C.P. Snow termed the two-cultures of humanists-social scientists and scientists-engineers. Nadeau has previously published nine books and numerous articles that cover a wide variety of subject fields on both sides of the two-culture divide.
Making Sense in Geography and Environmental Sciences - Margot Northey, David B. Knight and Dianne Draper
The Moon in the Nautilus Shell - Daniel B. Botkin
Science and Religion - Daniel Dennett and Alvin Plantinga
Science vs Religion - Elaine Howard Ecklund
Why Religion is Natural and Science is Not - Robert N. McCauley
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Argues that the most profound spiritual truths in the five great religious traditions of the world are comparable to and completely compatible with the most profound scientific truths in contemporary physics and biology. AODA Privacy / Legal Feedback How to Order Want to Write for Oxford? ISBN 13 Login Returns Policy Site Map