Introduction to Carrion, Ecology, Evolution, and Their Applications
Eric Benbow, Jeffery K. Tomberlin, and Aaron M. Tarone
Processes and Mechanisms of Death and Decomposition of Vertebrate Carrion
Shari L. Forbes and David O. Carter
Microbial Interactions During Carrion Decomposition
Tawni L. Crippen, M. Eric Benbow, and Jennifer L. Pechal
Arthropod Communities in Terrestrial Environments
Richard W. Merritt and Grant D. De Jong
Carrion Effects on Belowground Communities and Consequences for Soil Proceßes
Michael S. Strickland and Kyle Wickings
Ecological Role of Vertebrate Scavengers
James C. Beasley, Zach H. Olson, and Travis L. DeVault
Design and Analysis of Field Studies in Carrion Ecology
Kenneth G. Schoenly, J.-P. Michaud, and GaÉtan Moreau
Community and Landscape Ecology of Carrion
Eric Benbow, Jennifer L. Pechal, Rachel M. Mohr
Chemical Ecology of Vertebrate Carrion
Jonathan A. Cammack, Meaghan L. Pimsler, Tawni L. Crippen, and Jeffery K. Tomberlin
Vertebrate Carrion as a Model for Conducting Behavior Research
Jeffery K. Tomberlin, Michelle R. Sanford, Meaghan L. Pimsler, and
Sherah L. VanLaerhoven
Modeling Species Interactions within Carrion Food Webs
Sherah L. VanLaerhoven
Aquatic Vertebrate Carrion Decomposition
John R. Wallace
The Role of Carrion in Ecosystems
Philip S. Barton
Ecological Genetics
Aaron M. Tarone
Quantitative Genetics of Life-History Traits in Coprophagous and
Necrophagous Insects
Wolf Blanckenhorn
Carrion and Dung Mimicry in Plants
Andreas Jürgens and Adam Shuttleworth
Population Genetics and Molecular Evolution of Carrion-Associated Arthropods
Christine J. Picard, Jonathan J. Parrott, and John W. Whale
Microbial Genetics and Systematics
Michael S. Allen and Michael G. LaMontagne
Microbiome Studies of Carrion Decomposition
Jeßica L. Metcalf, David O. Carter, and Rob Knight
Interkingdom Ecological Interactions of Carrion Decomposition
Heather R. Jordan, Jeffery K. Tomberlin, Thomas K. Wood, and M. Eric Benbow
Ecology of African Carrion
Sarah C. Jones, Eli D. Strauß, and Kay E. Holekamp
Carrion Communities as Indicators in Fisheries, Wildlife Management, and Conservation
.D. Hocking and S.M. O’Regan
Composting as a Method for Carrion Disposal in Livestock Production
Shanwei Xu, Tim Reuter, Kim Stanford, Francis J. Larney, and Tim A. McAllister
Human Decomposition and Forensics
Gail S. Anderson
Frontiers in Carrion Ecology and Evolution
Eric Benbow, Jeffery K. Tomberlin, and Aaron M. Tarone