Research Summaries on Environment
A Revised Checklist of the Flora of Keoladeo National Park, a World Heritage Site in India
The Largest Seismically Induced Landslides – New Opportunities for Geomorphological and Paleoseismological Researches
A Review of Amendment-Enhanced Phytoextraction of Soil Contaminants
A Review of Bioactive Microbubble Dispersions as an Emerging Bioremediation Technology
Effects of a Rock Phosphate on Indigenous Rhizobia Associated with Sesbania Sesban
Corporate Environmental Reporting and Disclosure: Where to Look and What You Get
Effects of the Fungicide and Biocide Dichlofluanid on Living Organisms (A Review)
Agricultural Land-Use in Forest Frontier Areas: Theory and Evidence from Indonesia
Levels and Trends of Organochlorine Pesticides (OCPs) in Antarctica
Utilization of Bovids in Traditional Folk Medicine and Their Implications for Conservation
Conservation and Management of the Biodiversity in a Hotspot Characterized by Short Range Endemism and Rarity: The Challenge of New Caledonia
Surface Stratification of Soil Nutrients in No Till Limits Nutrient Availability and Reduces Grain Yield
Total Metallothionein Quantification by Reversed-Phase High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled to Fluorescence Detection after Monobromobimane Derivatization
Linking the Dynamics of Ruminant Feeding Behavior and Dominant Shrub Responses on Rangeland: Forage Resources Renewal and Biodiversity Conservation
Outcomes of Invasive Plant-Native Plant Interactions in North American Freshwater Wetlands: A Foregone Conclusion?
Wheat in Bangladesh: Yield Growth, Production Performance and Determinant
Rhetoric Construction of Environmental Values in Business
Underground Cavity 3D Detection Using Laser System Cross publication
Diversity of Fungi on Submerged Leaf and Woody Litter
in River Kali, Southwest India
Water Quality and Sustainable Development in Yucatán Peninsula
Dealing with Hydro-Geological Events: Mitigation and History Cases
Identifying Sources of Fecal Pollution in Water with Antibiotic Resistance Patterns
Antimicrobial Treatments of Mold and Bacteria
Carbon and Nitrogen Compounds Applied to Uranium Mine Dump Soil Determine (Heavy) Metal Uptake by Chinese Cabbage
The Use of Dissipated Energy at Modeling of Cyclic Loaded Saturated Soils
Lenart Photoregulation of Nutritional Responses in Fremyella diplosiphon: Effects of Light Quality on Organismal Responses to Iron Availability
Enhancing Environmental Planning with Exergy
International Journal of Computer Research Reactive Diagnosis of Active Systems
What Can Cloud Computing Offer to Scientific Research?
Managing IT Resources the Smart Way: The Case for Virtualization
Parallel Iterative Solvers using Programmable Devices
Cybersecurity: Current Legislation, Executive Branch Initiatives, and Options for Congress
High-Performance Reversible and Quantum Systolic Parallel Processing, Part I: Two-Valued Implementations
High-Performance Reversible and Quantum Systolic Parallel Processing, Part II: Generalized Multiple-Valued Realizations
10 years of Software Development for Approximate Bayesian Computation
Broadband Infrastructure Programs in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
Spectrum Policy in the Age of Broadband: Issues for Congress
Multi-Level Evaluation of Hydrologic Cycle in the Catchment Including Shallow Eutrophic Lake
Integrated Water Management for Small Catchments in Arid Mountainous Regions - Yemen
Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis in Catchment Management: The Issues, Achievements and the Future
Review on Rainwater Harvesting and Soil Water Conservation Techniques for Crop Production in Semi-Arid Areas
Estimating Winter and Spring Rainfall in the Comahue Region (Argentina) using Statistical Techniques
Hydro-Geological and Soil Setting for Controlling the Water Logging Hazards in Dryland Cultivation: Case Study from Farafra Oasis, Egypt
Ecological Lake Assessment Considering Catchments Geology and Catchments Area Using
Urbanization and Parasitoids: An Unexplored Field of Research
Rainwater Acidification with Increasing Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and its Impact on Calcium Carbonate Dissolution
Rainwater Uses and Storage
Raptors in Urban Environment: A Case Study on Common Kestrel and the Long-Eared Owl
The Global Extent of Black C in Soils: Is It Everywhere?
Current and Emerging Microbiology Issues of Potable Water in Developed Countries
Vermiculture Biotechnology: The Emerging Cost-Effective and Sustainable Technology of the 21st Century for Waste & Land Management to Safe & Sustainable Food Production
Human Waste - A Potential Resource: Converting Trash into Treasure by Embracing the 5 R’s Philosophy for Safe & Sustainable Waste Management
Effective Removal of Low Concentrations of Arsenic and Lead and the Monitoring of Molecular Removal Mechanism at Surface
On the Redistribution of Tissue Metal
Aerobically Biodegraded Fish-Meal Wastewater as a Fertilizer
Equity of Access to Public Parks in Birmingham, England
An Idea for Phenomenological Theory of Living Systems
A New Trait of Gentoo Penguin: Possible Relation to Antartica Environmental State?
Assessing Population Viability of Focal Species Targets in the Western Forest Complex, Thailand
Protection of Riparian Landscapes in Israel
Hydraulic Characterization of Aquifer(s) and Pump Test Data Analysis of Deep Aquifer in the Arsenic Affected Meghna River Floodplain of Bangladesh
Application of DNA Microarrays to Microbial Ecology Research:
History, Challenges and Recent Developments
Food Safety in India: Challenges and Opportunities
Impact of Pesticide Use in Indian Agriculture: Their Benefits and Hazards
Ozone Decomposition by Catalysts and its Application in Water Treatment: An Overview
Use of Microarrays to Study Environmentally Relevant Organisms: A UK Perspective
Fluid Flow and Contaminant Propagation in Fractured Rock Aquifers
Crowded Desert
Contribution of Homegardens, Agrosilvopastoral Systems, and Other Human-Dominated Land-Use Types to the Avian Diversity of a Biological Corridor in Costa Rica
Spatial, Temporal and Spatiotemporal Continuities of Rainfalls Based on Statistical and Geostatistical Analysis
Secondary Salinization of Soils in the Aral Basin as a Factor of Anthropogenic Desertification
Association of Atmospheric Particulate Chemical Characteristics with Vehicular Emission in Sao Paulo City, Brazil
Role of Fire on Patagonian Grasslands: Changes in Above-Ground Vegetation and Soil Seed Bank
Plateau-Monsoon Water Vapor Transport for Meiyu Rainfall
Industrial Wastewater Treatment Using Advanced Chemical Oxidation with Fenton Reagent
Recognition of Likely Large-Scale Landslip Failure Surfaces Through Geotechnical Core Logging Methods
Embracing Data: Potential Uses for Data Logging in Online Learning Environments
Heavy Rainfall: Long-Term Effects and Mitigation with Drains
Multivariate Zonation of Logging Data
Synthetic Fluid Inclusion Logging
The Role of Water Vapour Condensation in Global Warming
Approaches to Control Airborne Aerosols at Regional Scale: Multiple Sources under Unfavorable Climatology
Wildfire Detection in Europe, Morocco and Tunisia
Biomonitoring of Rivers for Conservation and Sustainability: The Nigerian Experience
The Dynamics of the Marine Environment versus the Rigid Interpretation of Nature Conservation Law
Solid Domestic Waste and its Legalisation in Turkey
Diagnostic of Health Status in Mangrove Ecosystems
Studies on East Calcutta Wetland: A Unique Biological Ecosystem
Threats to European Freshwater Biodiversity from Invasive Amphipods
Outcomes of Invasive Plant-Native Plant Interactions in North American Freshwater Wetlands: A Foregone Conclusion?
Biological Invasions: Implications for the Biodiversity in Wetland Ecosystems
Richness and Diversity of Water Mite Species at Local and Regional Scale in Subtropical Yungas (South America)
Soil Remediation: A Sound Alternative
Is Posner’s Principle of Justice an Adequate Basis for Environmental Law?
South African Business Opportunities under the Kyoto Protocol Clean Development Mechanism
Spatial Interpolation Techniques for Environmental Data: Theory to Practice
Interrelation between Coastal Processes, Surface Water and Groundwater at the Outer Coastal Region of the Rio de la Plata Estuary, Argentina
The Influence of Temperatures and Planting Time on Plant Development and Yield of Different Short-Day Strawberry Genotypes and Prerequisites of High Yields
Pollen Morphology and Ultrastructure of Fossil Platanoids and Modern Platanus L: Significance for Systematics and Phylogeny
Evolutionary Models of Weed Life History Population Dynamics
The Environmental Degradation Paradigm in Africa: Perspectives Based on Long-Term Vegetation Cover Monitoring in Northern South Africa
Decentralized Treatment of Sewage Employing Upflow Septic Tank/Baffled Reactor (USBR) in Developing Countries
Wind Erosion and Wind Turbines
The Effects of Soil Pollution and its Relation with Morbidity in Shoreline Areas
Field-Scale Rhyzoremediation of a Contaminated Soil with Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) Isomers: The Potential of Poplars for Environmental Restoration and Economical Sustainability
Impacts of Antibiotics and Their Fate Into the Natural Environment
The Potential of Biogas in the Zero-Waste Mode in the Cold-Climate
Persistence and Metabolism of Endosulfan (WDG) in/on Black Gram Under East Indian Agro Climatic Condition
Harvest Time Residues of Oryzalin in/on Soybean under Eastern Indian Climatic Conditions
Harvest Time Residues of Benthiocarb in/on Rice Ecosystem under East-Indian Climatic Conditions
Air Quality Impact Due to Al-Jubail Multi-Stage Flash (MSF) Desalination Plant in Saudi Arabia
Prediction of CO and NOx Abatement in Catalytic Converter of a Compressed Natural Gas Vehicle (CNGV) Cold-Start Engine
Environmental Considerations in Construction Projects
Removal of Cationic Dyes from Aqueous Solution by Adsorption on Pistachio Hull
Cost Benefit in Cabbage Cultivation by Weed Control Using Oryzalin Herbicide and Hoeing Technology
Impact of Spinosad: Macrocyclic Insecticide on the Incidence of Stem Borers in Scented Rice Under East-Indian Climatic Condition
Evaluation of Spatial, Temporal and Depth Variation Patterns of Major Nutrients and Chlorophyll in a Wetland Receiving Agricultural and Municipal Runoff
Comparative Analysis of Pb, Cd, Cr, Ni, Zn and Fe Concentrations in Hair and Urine among the Urban and Non-Urban Industrial Workers and Non-Professional Persons
Pavement Materials Evaluation Through a Two-Stage Life Cycle Analysis Approach
The Influence of Indonesian Tropical Climate to the Fate and Distribution of Nutrients and Micropollutants in Segara Anakan Estuary
River Response to Climate Change in the Tropics: A Three Hundred Thousand Year History of the Nile
Indigenous Culture and Education: Mexican Adolescents’ Perception and Interest on Communal Forestry Management
Forestry Education towards Ecological Civilization
Migration Factors of Radionuclides and Heavy Metals during Forest Fires in Siberia
Establishment and Application of the Synthetic Assessment System of Forest Ecosystem Health in Beijing Area
Study on the Region Scale Diversity of Rodent Community in Semi-Desert and Desert Areas of China
Air Dispersion Modeling
Underwater Anchored Profiler Aqualog for Ocean Environmental Monitoring
Toxic Metals Fixation in Fe Hydr(oxides) - A Soil Remedial Strategy
Exposure – Dose Relationship for Airborne Nanoparticles
Environmental and Occupational Exposure to PAHs: Monitoring and Evaluation of Genotoxic Effects
Environmental Radiation Monitoring: Public Dose Limits, Measurements and Interpretation
A Cadmium Standard Regression Line: A Possible New Index for Biological Monitoring
The Biological Monitoring of Wild Birds: Part 1 – The Cadmium Content of Organs from Migratory Birds
The Biological Monitoring of Wild Birds: Part II – The Possibility of a New Index for Biological Monitoring
Cadmium speciation and biological uptake over water-sediment interfaces
Radiative Transfer and its Impact on Thermal Diffusivity Determined in Remote Sensing
Vapour Intrusion into Buildings - A Literature Review
Analysis of Nitrogen and Carbon Removal from Organic Loaded Effluents using Reactors in Series and Integrated Reactors
Soil Properties
Small Mammals, Morphology and Molecules: Tale-Bearing Tenants of the Nigerian Southwestern Forest Block
The Evolution of Smog Cloud in the Surface Layer of the Atmosphere
Yeast Diversity in Freshwater Ecosystems
Azimuth-Variant Bistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar Data Processing
Aggregation of Descriptive Regularization Methods with Hardware/Software Co-Design for Remote Sensing Imaging
Ecological Restoration in Boreal Forest Management: Application of Rolled Lawn in an Area Currently Suffering from Pollution
Environmental Chamber Study of the Photochemical Reaction of Diethyl Ether and NOx
Predicting Gaseous and Solid Air Pollution with Cyclostationary Neural Networks
Earthquake Preparation and Warning: Science, Methods and Technologies
Geochemical Characteristics and Environmental Assessment of Paddy Fields: A Case Study of Kocani Field (Republic of Macedonia)
The Underlying Causes of Deforestation and the Patterns of Forest Transition: Implications for the International REDD Policy
Deforestation in Central and West Africa: Landscape Dynamics, Anthropogenic Effects and Ecological Consequences
The Influence of Host Plant Odors on Paddy Field Invasion of Rice-Ear Bugs
Phosphorus Purification in a Paddy Field Watershed and a New Method for Phosphorus Recovery From Natural Water Bodies
Tsunami Warnings: Predicting Arrivals
Chapter 8 Earthquake Predicting by Near-Space Vehicle-borne GNSS Receivers
Chapter 9 The Use of Remote Sensing to Locate Heavy Metal as Source of Pollution
Chapter 10 Deforestation: Causes, Environmental and Economic Aspects
Chapter 11 Deforestation of the Tropical Rain Forest in Mexico: Consequences of Habitat Fragmentation in Community Structure and Function of the Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi
Chapter 12 Environmental (In)Security from Citizens Perspective
Chapter 13 Effectiveness, Efficiency and Equity in REDD Implementation: What Can We Learn from Past Experience?
Postharvest Managememt of Litchi(Litchi chinensis Sonn L) and Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) Fruit
New Generation Novel Agrochemicals: An Eco-Friendly Attempt for Plant Protection
Status and Position of Aquatic Biodiversity of Four Beels and its Floodplain Level of Northern Bangladesh with a Good Practice of Beel Nurseries and Community Based Co-Management Policy
The Links between Environmental Regulation and Competitiveness: The Case of the Agriculture Sector in Andalucía
Electrochemical Sensing of Deadly Toxin-Atrazine: An Overview
Application of Indigenous Technological Knowledge(ITK): An Effective Solution for Fishery
Small Mammals, Morphology and Molecules: Tale-Bearing Tenants of the Nigerian Southwestern Forest Block
The Economics of the Toxic Use Reduction Act in Massachusetts: The Case for State Assistance Programs
A Pilot Study to Develop Forecasting Models for Predicting Hourly Ozone Concentration near Cincinnati, Ohio
A Survey of Monitoring and Management Activities for Conserving Rare Plants in National Parks and Protected Areas, Arizona and Nevada, USA
Alternative Refrigerating, Heat-Pumping and Air-Conditioning Systems on the basis of the Open Absorption Cycle and Solar Energy
Principle of Low Energy Building Design: Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
Design and Implementation of a Solar-Powered Air-Conditioning System
Room Air Distribution, Indoor Environmental Quality and Energy Performance
Solar Thermal Energy Technology: Experimental Study on the Design and Performance of an Indirect Solar Dryer for Agricultural Products
A Passive and Available Air-House Conditioning by Exploiting Renewable Energy Sources
Multi-Purpose Operation Planning of the Micro-Energy Source for Air Conditioning with Renewable Energy
Improving Design in Reversible Heat Pumps
Load Predictor for Air Conditioning Systems using Artificial Neural Networks Models for Intelligent Buildings
Performance of a Passive Aquarium’s Conditioning System
New Progresses in Liquid Desiccant Cooling System: Adsorption Dehumidifier and Membrane Regenerator
Parameters Controlling Ambient Air Benzene Concentrations and Human Exposure in a Medium Sized Southeastern European City
Meteorological Aspects of Air Quality
A Quantitative Comparison of Angstrom¡¯s Turbidity Parameters (¦Á, ¦Â) Retrieved in Different Spectral Ranges Based on Spectral Solar Extinction Measurements
Simultaneous Evaluation of Odor Episodes and Air Quality. Methodology to Identify Air Pollutants and their Origin Combining Chemical Analysis (TD-GC/MS), Social Participation and Mathematical Simulations Techniques
Lichen Biomonitoring of Air Pollution: Issues for Applications in Complex Environments
Hydrocarbon Contamination and Environmental Health Quality: An Overview
Bivariate Stochastic Volatility Models Applied to Mexico City Ozone Pollution Data
Optimization Approaches for Air Quality Monitoring Network Design
Sensitivity of Land Use Parameters and Population on the Prediction of Concentration Using the AERMOD Model for an Urban Area
Solar Radiation and CFD Photochemical Modeling in the Urban Canopy
Aquatic Insects of Remote Alpine Lakes: Taxonomic Composition, Ecological Patterns and Seasonal Dynamics in Altitudinal Environmental Gradient (Tatra Mts, Slovakia)
Herbaceous Species to Control the Alpine Soil Erosion: Field and Laboratory Experimental Tests
Estimation of Growing Season Length in Alpine Areas: Effects of Snow and Temperatures
Socioeconomics of Conservation in the Alps
The Alpine Environment and Anthropisation of the Landscape in the Western Pyrenees (Spain) during the Holocene
Tectonic Control on the Evolution of the Middle Triassic Platforms in the Alpine-Carpathian-Dinaric Region
Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Alpine Plants Endemic to Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, with Implications for Conservation under Global Warming
Agricultural Systems in the Savanna-Forest Ecotone of Venezuelan Amazonian: Evaluation of Soil Quality Indicators
Factors Determining Fish Species Diversity in Amazonian Floodplain Lakes
Morphological Diversity of Neotropical Characiformes
Assessment of Insect Logical Diversity in Various Land Use Systems in the Peruvian Amazon
Ethnobotanical Study of Dye-Yielding Plants used in Communities of Shipibo-Konibo Amerindians around Pucallpa City, Peru